Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Warmer, but dreary day

A dreary, uneventful day. I took a day off from school to rest as I felt rather under-the-weather. Sometimes, one just needs a day of rest from it all. The cats agree with me fully and spent half the day at the foot of the bed as I read underneath a blanket, sipping herbal teas.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

a cold, snowy winter day

Nothing new to write about; unless you want to consider a trip to the supermarket to buy meats and a few necessary provisions.
It is cold and snowy in Warren. It is about 23 deg. F. We are supposed to be in the deep freeze this week with temperatures hitting -3 deg. F. by the middle of the week. Many schools will be closed because of the low temperatures, I'm sure.
The kitties are nice and cozy in the warm apartment. Tonight, I will make popcorn in olive oil, a pot of hot Ricola herbal tea and play Scrabble with Robert.
Sounds like a plan for a Winter's evening.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

No school today!

Today, I had a chance to sleep in after hearing on the news at 6:45 a.m. that Warren County, PA schools would be closed due to the ice storm. Hours later, though, it seemed rather silly as the streets were quite passable. The temperature was close to 40 degrees, which caused most of the ice to turn to a semi-slush consistency.
I had the honor of going to the laundrette to do two loads. My kitties were found on the afghan made for me for Christmas by Robert. It has become their favorite place to nap.
I have a chance to catch up on some needed schoolwork and can finish my novel "The Outlander" by Canadian writer Gil Adamson. The book has been on Canada Reads for some time now. It is long, but so very well-written and descriptive.
My next novel in French is by Michel Tremblay called "La femme d'a côté est enceinte". It has been a long while since I have read any novel in French. I read the first four pages with ease, so I guess I haven't lost my touch.
A la prochaine. J'ai envie de me préparer un bonne tasse de té.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas and New Year

Christmas and New Year was spent in snowy Niagara Falls, NY. We had almost 60 degrees one of the days and then the deep freeze returned.
Christmas Eve was spent at St. John's Episcopal Church in Youngstown, NY which is, ironically, right across the Niagara River from St. Mark's Anglican church in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. They say there will be a ferry to cross over someday soon.
"Icky" or "Ickers" is relaxing on the bed with an afghan crocheted by Robert. He is so talented!
"Obie" or "Obers" is on the couch with his friends keeping watch. Can you tell which ones are the real kitties?
Anyway, back to St. John's Episcopal Church. It was built from a kit floated down the Erie Canal from Maine and put together. In the interior, one can see the chalk markings from the builders. It was built by Upjohn, an architect from England who also masterminded St. Paul's Epicopal Cathedral in Buffalo, NY.
School resumes in a few days. I have lesson plans, laundry and a few things to do. Tonight, we will play cards with a lady friend who lives in the apartment behind us.