Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Obie's story

"My daddy took a picture of me to send to you. I am almost two years old now and am starting to feel more comfortable around people. When I was very young, I was left alone with no food or water in an apartment. I was very scared and got sick. I couldn't walk very well because I was so weak. I don't know why the people just left me. I tried to love them, but they were just mean. I barely remember it because I was so little.
Two nice ladies found me and gave me something to eat and drink.  I lived under a porch  for seven months. Then, my dad let me live with him. He treats me very nicely and never hits or hollers at me; like happened when I was very small. I try not to think about those times back then. It's nice to have some toys to play with and my own bed instead of the cold, wet ground. I'm very happy and not scared any more.
I like to sit on the window sill and watch all the little animals and birdies. I never seem to tire of that. When my daddy comes home, I always come to the door to see him to show him how much I love living with him."
"You're never safe from surprise unless you are dead"
Quote: Rachel Lynde: Character from Anne of Green Gables

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know of a woman at Chautauqua Institution who takes in cats left behind when people return to their homes after spending the season at Chautauqua. When I met this woman, she had 23 cats living at her house! All the cats had their shots and were well taken care of. I was surprised, too, given so many cats that the house didn't smell like cat!